Changing Lives with Surgical Research

Surgical research saves and improves the lives of patients in need.

Research allows new techniques and technologies to be developed, evaluated and implemented into clinical practice as quickly and safely as possible. Furthermore, research has a role to play in improving processes and the way healthcare teams work to enhance patient recovery and maximise the efficiency of healthcare delivery, reducing NHS costs.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England) is a registered charity that exists to advance patient care. Established by royal charter in 1800, RCS England relies upon charitable support to underpin its work in advancing surgical standards through education, training and research. They receive no funding from the government or the NHS and donations are crucial for pioneering research as well as training and assessing the next generation of surgeons.

RCS England runs a programme of 1 year Research Fellowships that the Freemasons Fund for Surgical Research currently supports. Cutting edge fields of research such as stem cells, 3D bioprinting, artificial intelligence and remote monitoring are all well represented within the scheme.

All applications are rigorously assessed by a panel of experts to ensure that the research, surgeon, supervisor and facilities are of a high standard and that the proposed work will be valid, beneficial and original.

The ultimate goal is to improve the standard of care for patients who put their lives in the hands of a surgeon.

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